Which Music Video Featured A Snake?

Taylor Swift and Her Music Videos

Taylor Swift is known for her captivating music videos that visually bring her songs and lyrics to life.

Taylor Swift and Her Music Videos

Taylor Swift is known for her captivating music videos that visually bring her songs and lyrics to life. One particular music video that made a huge impact and showcased her artistic evolution was the video for her hit song “Look What You Made Me Do.”

“Look What You Made Me Do” – A Music Video with a Snake

The music video for “Look What You Made Me Do” was a game-changer for Taylor Swift and her fans. Released on August 27, 2017, this music video marked a new era for Swift, as it showcased her embracing a darker and more powerful persona.

In the video, Taylor Swift not only addressed her public feuds and controversies but also aimed to present herself as someone who has risen above and is no longer willing to be controlled by others. This narrative was augmented through various symbolisms, including the presence of a snake.

Throughout the video, the snake was used to represent the negative press and public perception that Taylor Swift had endured, particularly during the infamous Kanye West incident. The snake became a powerful motif, emphasizing Taylor’s resilience and her ability to shed her past image while reclaiming her narrative.

The snake is first seen slithering amongst a stack of Taylor Swift look-alikes, symbolizing the many facades and false narratives that have been created about her. As the video progresses, the snake imagery becomes more prominent. It appears on jewelry, wraps around Taylor’s arm like a bracelet, and eventually transforms into the form of Taylor herself. This transformation signifies her emergence from the controversies and the beginning of her rebirth.

It’s important to note that Taylor Swift took ownership of the snake symbol as a means to reclaim her narrative. She even used it during her subsequent reputation Stadium Tour, where a massive inflatable snake dominated the stage. This served as a powerful statement, showing that Taylor Swift was not afraid to confront her demons head-on and turn them into her own source of strength and empowerment.


Taylor Swift’s music video for “Look What You Made Me Do” beautifully showcased her growth as an artist and her ability to transform negativity into a powerful artistic statement. The snake symbol played a significant role in portraying her resilience and reclaiming her narrative. By embracing the snake and incorporating it into her music video and subsequent tour, Taylor Swift demonstrated her courage and determination to rise above the controversies that have surrounded her. This video undoubtedly solidified Taylor Swift’s status as a fierce and unstoppable force in the music industry.


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