What Was Taylor Swift’s Major At Hendersonville High School?

Taylor Swift’s Major at Hendersonville High School

Taylor Swift’s major at Hendersonville High School was actually not music-related.

Taylor Swift’s Major at Hendersonville High School

Taylor Swift’s major at Hendersonville High School was actually not music-related. Despite her incredible talent and passion for music, Taylor Swift chose a different path during her high school years.

Major: Exemplary in English

In high school, Taylor Swift had an extraordinary aptitude for English. She excelled in literature, composition, and creative writing, earning the admiration of her teachers for her exceptional skills.

Taylor Swift’s love for English can be seen in her song lyrics, which are often poetic and deeply narrative. She has an uncanny ability to tell compelling stories through her songs, captivating her audience with her heartfelt and relatable lyrics.

Taylor Swift’s Songwriting Skills

While academics played a significant role in Taylor Swift’s life during her high school years, she continued to hone her songwriting skills outside of the classroom. At a young age, she pursued her passion for music through various avenues, such as attending songwriting workshops and performing at local venues.

Taylor Swift’s dedication to her craft paid off when she signed her first record deal with Big Machine Records at the age of 15. Since then, she has released numerous hit songs and albums, showcasing her exceptional talent as a songwriter.

Rumors and Gossip

It’s worth mentioning that rumors and gossip have often surrounded Taylor Swift throughout her career. While some may argue that she pursued a music-related major in high school, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

However, it is important to note that Taylor Swift’s passion for music has been evident throughout her entire life. Her teenage years were filled with performances at local bars and clubs, which ultimately led to her breakthrough in the music industry.


In conclusion, Taylor Swift’s major at Hendersonville High School was not music-related. Instead, she excelled in English and showcased her incredible talent for writing. Despite her major, Taylor Swift’s love for music was evident throughout her teenage years, and she dedicated herself to developing her songwriting skills. Today, she stands as one of the most successful and influential artists in the music industry.


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