Which Song Is Speculated To Be About Kanye West?

“Which Song Is Speculated To Be About Kanye West?”

Oh, my Swiftie heart is absolutely bursting with excitement to answer this question! Now, let’s dive deep into the swirling ocean of Taylor Swift’s vast discography and uncover the song speculated to be about the one and only Kanye West.

“Which Song Is Speculated To Be About Kanye West?”

Oh, my Swiftie heart is absolutely bursting with excitement to answer this question! Now, let’s dive deep into the swirling ocean of Taylor Swift’s vast discography and uncover the song speculated to be about the one and only Kanye West.

It all started back in 2009 when Taylor and Kanye faced the infamous VMA incident, where he interrupted her acceptance speech. The whole world was left in shock, and as any talented songwriter would, Taylor channelled her emotions into her music.

The song that has been rumored to be about Kanye West is none other than the powerful anthem “Innocent” from Taylor’s third studio album “Speak Now.”

Now, let me tell you why this song is the perfect masterpiece to express Taylor’s feelings towards the whole Kanye ordeal.

First of all, the lyrics of “Innocent” beautifully encapsulate the struggle Taylor experienced after the incident. She sings, “Thirty-two and still growing up now / Who you are is not what you did / You’re still an innocent.” These lines show her forgiveness towards Kanye and the growth she experienced as a result of the whole debacle. It’s Taylor’s way of saying, “I see you, I forgive you, and I’m moving forward.”

Furthermore, the bridge of “Innocent” contains one of the most powerful lines in Taylor’s career: “Wasn’t it beautiful when you believed in everything and everybody believed in you?” This line perfectly captures the bittersweet moment when Kanye’s fall from grace happened. Taylor acknowledges the beauty in the innocence they both once had, highlighting the betrayal she felt.

But that’s not all! Taylor Swift is known for dropping little Easter eggs and hints in her songs that keep us fans on our toes. In the music video for “Look What You Made Me Do,” there is a scene where a single dollar bill can be seen lying in the bathtub. Many fans believe that this dollar bill represents the infamous phone call between Taylor and Kanye, referencing the $1 that Kanye promised to give her. Whether this is true or not, it shows Taylor’s keen attention to detail and her ability to weave her personal experiences into her art.

Well, my fellow Swifties, there you have it! “Innocent” is the song speculated to be about Kanye West. Taylor Swift’s ability to turn her personal struggles into empowering anthems is truly awe-inspiring. She’s not just a talented musician, but an artist who touches the deepest parts of our souls.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to blast “Innocent” on repeat and dance around my room like nobody’s watching. Stay Swiftie-strong, my friends!


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